Margus Hanno Murakas

LIS, WHIT & THE NFL Üheksas nädal. Traagiliselt lõppenud Corvettega kihutamine Las Vegases ja valetamine vaktsineerimise kohta

Amercian Football - NFL - Atlanta Falcons v New York Jets - Tottenham Hotspur Stadium, London, Britain - October 10, 2021 Atlanta Falcons' Olamide Zaccheaus in action with New York Jets' Brandin Echols and Sharrod Neasman Action Images via Reuters/Andrew Boyers Foto: Andrew Boyers

Detroit Lions kaotas Philadelphiale 44-6, nii et minu panus lõvide hooaja esimesele õnnestumisele oli siiski lollakas to the max. Whitney pani 2 eurot Tennessee Titans võidule 7-13 punktiga, mäng läks lisaajale, aga lõppes tulemusega 31-34 Tennessee kasuks ja nii lendas seegi panus vastu taevast. Fantasy kaotasin fucking 6 punktiga, aga vähemalt sai Carolina jagu Atlantast. Midagigi. Üldiselt valitseb well, well, well, how the turn tables tunne, sest Whitney ootab entusiastlikult uut pühapäeva, mina seevastu olen asunud aegsasti leppima asjaoluga, et Carolina mängupilt küll mingit Super Bowlile minekut ei näita.

Eelmise nädalavahetuse mänge ja tulemusi varjutas traagiliselt lõppenud kihutamine Las Vegase tänavatel — esimest hooaega Raidersi ridades superstaarikursil olnud wide receiver Henry Ruggs III pressis oma Corvette spidokasse 250 km/h ja sõitis tagant sisse Toyotale. Põlema lahvatanud masinasse lõksu jäänud 23-aastane naine ja tema koer surid sündmuskohal, Ruggs koos tüdruksõbrast kaasreisijaga pääsesid vigastustega. Purjuspäi juhtimise ja surmaga lõppenud õnnetuse põhjustamise eest ootab endist sportlast ees kuni 20 aastat vabadusekaotust. Üks kohutavalt vale otsus, mitu lõppenud ja igaveseks lõhutud elu. Trigger warning, video filmitud vahetult peale avariid.

So many lives destroyed, in the blink of an eye, all because he drove drunk. He had a milllion other options and all the money in the world to pay for those options, but this is what he chose. Drunk driving is truly an epidemic in the United States - over 10,000 Americans are killed in drunk driving accidents every year. That's about 1 death every 50 minutes. First of all, why do we have cars available to the general public that can even go that fast, and second, I think there should be breathalyzers built into every vehicle that determines whether the car will even start. Extreme? Yes. Necessary? Clearly. I had a history of making this poor decision over and over and over. I merely got lucky that I never hurt anyone.

Elsewhere in the league, Green Bay Packers QB Aaron Rogers, who is having a fantastic year leading his team to a 7-1 record and the top of their division, tested positive for Covid this week and won't be able to play versus Patrick Mahomes and the Chiefs. On the surface, it's no big deal in that a lot of players have been dealing with covid this season. The problem is, in an August Q & A with reporters, the star quarterback clearly stated to everyone outside of the Packers' organization that he was in fact vaccinated.

Dude straight up lied. He went on to say *There's guys on the team that haven't been vaccinated. I think it's a personal decision and I'm not going to judge those guys." WHAAAAAAT? Apparently, Rogers received an "alternative treatment" and was pushing for the NFL to accept it the same as the other vaccines, however this never happened.

Up until now, players not wanting to get vaccinated have been a bit demonized in the league, mirroring similar sentiments in other professional sports organizations. For example, half of Twitter insisted Cam Newton wouldn't have been cut from the Patriots if he'd been vaccinated. (Cam is now vaccinated and still no NFL teams are giving him a chance.) However, this is the first time we've seen a player straight up lie about their status. But this is Aaron Rogers, so it will be fascinating to see whether double standards start permeating the air.

Kergemate draamade rindel kees äsja üle Odell Beckam Jr ja Cleveland Brownsi suhe. Wide receiver Beckhami isa (vt ka “isa soovitusel”) postitas Instagrami 12-minutilise video, kuidas Odell jookseb end platsil aina vabaks ja quarterback Baker Mayfield lihtsalt ei sööda talle palli. Meelega ei sööda, arvab nii seenior kui juunior. Pressile ütles Mayfield, et ta ei saa päris hästi aru, mis põhjusel peaks ta meelega mitte söötma ühele liiga parimale wide receiver’ile. Lisaks toonitas, et sarnase vestluse OBJ isaga on ta kord juba maha pidanud ja luges teema lõpetatuks. “Hurt? No. Surprised? Yes,” sedastas mängujuht tekkinud olukorra. Clevelandi peatreener Kevin Stefanski märkis, et teisipäevane liiga trade deadline tuli ja läks, kuna Beckhami eest lihtsalt ei tehtud ühtegi piisavalt mõistlikku pakkumist. Ilmselt on peagi siiski uudiseid oodata, igatahes pole Beckham juba teist päeva teretulnud meeskonna treeningule. Hell, isegi Lebron James tweetis #FreeOBJ, nii et saame näha, millal ja kelle kosjaskäik õnneliku lõpuni jõuab. Mulle Beckham ülemäära ei istu, gramm liiga palju ego, näikse. Veidi sama vibe nagu Cam Newtonil (keda mitmetest vigastatud mängujuhtidest hoolimata endiselt ühegi meeskonnaga liituma kutsutud pole).

Arizona sai Green Bay Packersi vastu kirja hooaja esimese kaotuse, Carolina pool-kogemata jagu divisjonirivaal Atlanta Falconsist ning teises NFC South heitluses jäi Tampa Bay alla backup QB-ga mänginud New Orleans Saintsile. Minu fantasy kaotuse vormistasid Seattle Seahawksi mängumehed Tyler Lockett ja DK Metcalf (vastavalt 26.70 ja 22.30 punkti), abi polnud asjaolust, et oponendil üks starter nulliringi tegi ega sellestki, et minu running back Nick Chubb (Cleveland Browns) selle nädala vaid 7.90 punktiga lõpetas. Lõpptulemuseks niisiis 119.70 vastase 127.41 punni vastu ja liigas kukkusin kuuendaks.

Sel nädalal Tampa Bay Buccaneers puhkab, mistõttu pidin saadaolevate mängujuhtide seast ühe enda meeskonda värbama. Mac Jones, kelle mõne nädala eest vabaks lasin, oli endiselt saadaval, aga New England Patriots mängib sel nädalal Carolina vastu, seega no Mac for me. Võtsin hoopis Miami Dolphinsi QB Tua Tagovailoa, kuid hetkel on tema mängustaatuse ette ilmunud suur Q (questionable) täht - varem roidevigastusega hädas olnud mängujuhil on nüüd probleem mingi sõrmega, nii et näis, kuhu see asi areneb. Vangerdasin veidi ka WR positsioonil ja vahetasin ühe Jetsi mängumehe hoopis Dolphinsi DeVante Parkeri vastu, kes võiks olla Tua lemmiksihtmärk. Üsna gamble, aga et Miami mängib igas vaates nõrga Houston Texans vastu, võib see kombo vabalt edukaks osutuda.

Well miracles still show their little heads from time to time, as I broke a 3 game losing streak (now 3-5) and finally got a W! My opponent, "Russel", is clearly not taking this fantasy stuff seriously, as he started 3 guys who were either injured or on a bye week. Despite having 3 more active players, I still only won by 15 points. So while I was scrambling daily to drop and add guys, Russel was probs on a Red Sea holiday - or worse - he was sitting at home actively doing nothing to almost beat me. Absentee Russel is currently in 1st place, believe it or not, and despite winning, I'm still in 11th. How 'bout them apples? But nevertheless, the moral of the story is this: a win is a win - yes, even when it's a disgrace.

I've been making a ton of moves to try to get some consistent personnel on my team. After Tennessee Titans RB Derrick Henry left Sunday's game with what is most likely a season-ending foot injury, I jumped on the chance to get their backup RB Jeremy McNichols via waivers, as their offense is built around the run and this could be a big move. I also picked up NY Jets QB Mike White and Philadelphia Eagles RB Boston Scott. White completed 37-45 passes for 405 yards, 3 touchdowns, and 2 interceptions (28.10 fantasy points) in Sunday's 34-31 upset over the Cincinatti Bengals. He is filling in while starter Zach Wilson recovers from a knee injury. Depending on how White keeps playing, the starting job might not be handed back to Wilson so easily as he has been struggling all season. Boston Scott rushed 12 times for 60 yards and 2 TDs (18 fantasy points) in Sunday's 44-6 win over the Detroit Lions. Both Scott and McNichols should provide me with RB relief while I wait on Christian McCaffrey to come back from Injured Reserve. This could happen any day now, as he was dressed and participating in practice this week. Fingers crossed!

Lis, Whit & The NFL on iganädalane artiklisari Ameerika jalgpallist, muuhulgas tuleb juttu fantasy football liigast, tutvustame NFLi meeskondi ja mängijaid ning teeme panuseid tulemustele - often stupid, sometimes lucky.

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